Protein details/Single nucleotide variation

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Revision as of 19:39, 3 December 2021 by Karinamartinez (talk | contribs)
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The single nucleotide variation section of the Protein details page in GlyGen provides a detailed list of somatic and germline nucleotide mutations.

Single Nucleotide Variation

Single nucleotide variation is presented in 2 tabs on the Protein details page in GlyGen.

Disease associated Mutations

This tab shows a list of mutations in the genetic sequence that are associated with a disease. The following columns are presented in the table:

  • Source - GlyGen evidence linking to the databases and papers that provided the glycosylation information
  • Filter annotations - Pass/fail filter results from mapping cancer terms to Disease Ontology ID.  Eg. Somatic mutation passed 1 out of 6 filters: patient freq. (2.0%)
  • Genomic locus - The genomic position of the reported mutation. Eg. Chr7:81399287
  • Start Pos. - Start position of the site in the amino acid sequence. Eg. 1
  • End Pos. - End position of the site in the amino acid sequence. Eg. 1
  • Sequence - Reference or wild-type amino acid residue change resulting from variation. Eg. M→ L
  • Disease - DOID and term corresponding to reported disease. Eg. thyroid gland cancer (DOID:1781)
  • MAF - The frequency at which the second most common allele occurs in a given population.

Non-disease associated Mutations

This tab shows a list of mutations in the genetic sequence that are not associated with a disease. The following columns are presented in the table:

  • Source - GlyGen evidence linking to the databases and papers that provided the glycosylation information
  • Filter annotations -
  • Genomic locus -
  • Start Pos. -
  • End Pos. -
  • Sequence -
  • MAF -

Source of information

Data access

Data harmonization

Data filtering