Protein details/Function

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The function section of the Protein details page in GlyGen lists reported functions of a protein due to its structural properties, attributed by its amino acid sequence.


Screenshot of the Function section on the Protein details page in GlyGen.

This section contains the following information:

  • Function: Listed function of a protein due to its structural properties, attributed by its amino acid sequence. Information for this is retrieved from UniProtKB database, Gene Summary, Gene RIF, and NCBI RefSeq Database.

Source of information

The function data is collected and integrated from UniProtKB and NCBI RefSeq datasets.

  • UniProtKB - biological function annotations for protein accessions taken from the UniProtKB database.
  • NCBI RefSeq - biological function annotation of genes taken from NCBI RefSeq database.

Data access

The collected data is processed and stored at in the following datasets:

Homo Sapiens (Human) Datasets

Hepatitis C Virus Datasets

Mus musculus (Mouse) Datasets

Rattus norvegicus (Rat) datasets

SARS Coronavirus datasets

  • SARS-CoV1 Protein Function (UniProtKB; GLY_000421)
  • SARS-CoV2 Protein Function (UniProtKB; GLY_000422)

Data harmonization

Data filtering