Protein details/Phosphorylation

From GlyGen Wiki
Revision as of 21:02, 19 November 2021 by Karinamartinez (talk | contribs)
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The Phosphorylation section of the Protein information page in GlyGen provides the detailed list of phosphorylation sites and kinase proteins responsible for phosphorylation.


Screenshot of the Phosphorylation section on the Protein information page in GlyGen.

This section provides the following information:

  • Source -
  • Kinase Protein -
  • Kinase Gene -
  • Residue -
  • Notes -

Source of information

The Phosphorylation data is collected and integrated from UniProtKB, PubMed, and iPTMnet databases.

Data access

The collected data is processed and stored in in following datasets.

Homo Sapiens (Human) Datasets

  • Human Phosphorylation Sites (UniProtKB; GLY_000274)
  • Human Phosphorylation Sites (iPTMNet; GLY_000519)

Hepatitis C Virus Datasets

Data harmonization

Data filtering