Portal release notes/1.0
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The first release of the GlyGen Front-end.
Change list
- GlyGen Portal available with three Protein and Glycan and Glycoprotein advanced search page.
- Result of searches is available in Protein and Glycan and Glycoprotein list pages.
- Each list page provides details of Protein and Glycan available with one click on accession. Detailed changelog of version 1.1:
- Rectified sidebar menu highlighting issues
- Updated Maven script to support installing code to individual servers (test, beta, prod) and their respective domain_url files.
- Added Live commenting tool (Pageproofer) for test and beta website.
- Created a Java program to create JSON key-value file from the excel sheet.
- Summary table for quick search results.
- Display names config.js for questions on Quick search
- modification JSON specification for URL and organism section
- modification front-end code according to Json specification for URL and organism section
- Mockups for Evidence +
- Sorting for organism dropdown for protein and Glycoprotein and Sorting for Glycan type in glycan search page
- Created key values excel for Display names.
- Protein highlight tool for the sequence on detail pages.
- URL generalization.
- Reset Functions for Advanced form.
- Modify and summary section for simple search with navigation to the tab.
- Empty elements for detail JSON.bug fixing with if a condition for missing parameter.
- Chosen width issue.
- Disabled subtype in glycan advanced search.
- Created simplified search, advanced search, and tutorials for glycan, protein, and glycoprotein searches.
- Clickable text example;
- Submit on enter;
- Dynamic placeholder display.
- Added headline to detail pages.
- Sticky footer.
- Header dropdown to the front in FileZilla.
- Release version display dynamically.
- Statistics on the homepage display dynamically.
- index.html
- Success - entry page;
- Success - init web services successful;
- Failure - init web services failure.
- Created clickable text example for search pages.
- Table sorting default order.
- Addition of Download option in various formats on List and Detail pages.
- Github wiki page explaining how we do activity logging.
- Error on list page now redirects back to the previous page.
- Better error handling and proper display of errors. Use of http error headers.
- Added "Clear Fields" button to the advanced search.
- Version dates display in FileZilla.
- Text updates on multiple pages.
- Update examples for all search pages.
- Changed default sorting for protein and glycoprotein list pages.
- Fixed missing taxonomy annotations on the summary section of the glycoprotein list page.
- Fixed "Update Search" function.
- retrieving publication links from the server.
- Updated Maven scripts to copy files to a specific server.