Portal release notes/2.6
Detailed changelog of version 2.6 (Release date: August 30th, 2024)
- Implemented 3D structure display of Alphafold and PDB structures on Protein details page.
- Added 3D file download support for glycan and protein pdb files.
- Implemented support for highlighting consensus sequences on protein sequences viewer.
- Implemented accession based, file based, and sequence based GlyGen Isoform Mapper search functionality.
- Implemented GlyGen Isoform Mapper result page to display list of mapped, unmapped UniProtKB Accessions with GlyGen Canonical Accessions.
- Implemented support to download GlyGen Isoform Mapper result page list in csv and tsv format.
- Modified Sequence Viewer to display protein sequence in a user-friendly manner.
- Updated Biomarker section information on Protein, Glycan, Motif, and Publication details pages.
- Added support for Arabidopsis on Glycan, Protein, Quick search, Publication details and search pages.
- Implemented reducing end monosaccharides view for corresponding GlyTouCan structures
- Added PDB and alphafold structures to Protein pages.
- Added PRIDE Cross-reference to Protein details page.
For detailed list of fixed issues visit — List of fixed issues