Data release notes/1.5.36
Related API version: 1.5.43
This version was released at July 20th, 2020
Change list
- Added O-GlcNAc data extracted from the literature by Stephanie Olivier’s group (GLYDS000518)
- Added germline and somatic variation data that has effect on glycosite (loss of glycosylation site and gain of glycosylation sequon) to the mutation section
- Added the literature extracted glycosite for SARS-CoV1 M protein
- Added glycosylation subtypes to the *_proteoform_glycosylation_sites_uniprotkb.csv
- Added species annotation via subsumption (for human, mouse). Rat and HCV to follow in the next release.
- Added updated GlyConnect data. (additional o-GlcNAc sites)
- Added glycosylation sites through text mining (first iteration).