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Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Common parameters

The box below shows the most common parameters that are accepted by {{Custominfobox}} template. The purpose of each is described below.

| type         = serious/content/style/merge/move/blank/warning/delete/speedy/protection/notice by default
| stylebox     = border: 2px solid #B66D31; border-radius: 15px; background-color: #f28500;
| borderwidth  = 1px; 
| borderstyle  = solid/dashed/any border-style values; 
| borderradius = 15px/10px/5px;/any border-radius values;
| bordercolor  = #B66D31;/orange;/any border-color values;
| boxcolor     = #f28500/orange;/any background values;
| image        = none/blank/[[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]
| imageright   = [[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]
| header       = Template headline
| text         = This is your custom tesxt
| textstyle    = Any CSS3 properties
| textcolor    = #2E78B7/blue/any color values
| detail       = with: my details/any text
| message      = warning/expand/attention/several message templates are available
| signature    = Your Signature
| date         = {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}/Nov 22, 2019

default template

Default Mirage template {{Customeinfobox}}

results in


The | type = parameter defines the colour of the left bar, and the image that is used by default. The type is chosen not on aesthetics but is based on the type of issue that the template describes. Multiple typestyles are available

  | type = serious
  | type = content
  | type = style
  | type = merge
  | type = move
  | type = warning
  | type = delete
  | type = speedy
  | type = protection
  | type = notice/#default

Multiple typestyles are available and their default images are shown below.

If no type parameter is given the template defaults to |type=notice.


You can customize a infobox style by adding CSS3 to the stylebox parameter below.

| stylebox = border: 2px solid #B8E0FF; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #E7F5FF;
| text     = You can add any CSS3 style to the stylebox parameter.
results in

Also you can change {{Custominfobox}} style by using parametrs below.

| borderwidth  = 2px; 
| borderstyle  = solid; 
| borderradius = 10px;
| bordercolor  = #B8E0FF; 
| boxcolor     = #E7F5FF;
| text         = This is a custom info box style.
results in


You can choose a specific image to use for the template by using the image parameter. | image = none/blank/[[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]

Images available on Custominfobox
| serious    = [[Image:Stop hand nuvola.svg|40px]]
| content    = [[Image:Emblem-important.svg|40px]]
| style      = [[Image:Broom icon.svg|40px]]
| merge      = [[Image:Merge-split-transwiki default.svg]]
| move       = [[Image:Ambox_move.png|40px]]
| blank      = [[Image:Spacer.gif]]
| warning    = [[File:Ambox warning orange.svg|40px]]
| delete     = [[File:Ambox warning red.svg|40px]]
| speedy     = [[File:Ambox warning red.svg|40px]]
| protection = [[Image:Ambox_protection.png|40px]]
| notice     = [[Image:Info non-talk.png|40px]]
| #default   = {{{image|[[Image:Info non-talk.png|40px]]}}}
results in
  • No parameter = means that no image parameter is given and template uses a default image. In this case |type = notice.
| text = Template uses a default image. 
results in
  • An image = usual width of an image is 40px - 50px.
  • none = means that no image is used. image = none
results in
  • blank = means that no image is used but an empty area the same size as a default image is used, which means that text in the message box gets aligned well with other article message boxes. image =
results in


To display image at the right parameter imageright can be used imageright = [[Image:Some image.svg|40px]]

| imageright = [[Image:Emblem-important.svg|40px]]
| text       = This is | imageright = [[Image:Emblem-important.svg|40px]]
results in

body text

This template will add a period at the end of your last sentence.

| borderradius = 5px;
| borderwidth  = 1px;
| bordercolor  = cornflowerblue
| image        = blank
| header       = Template header <br>
| text         = This is a body text style example
| textstyle    = font-size: 18px; text-align: center; text-transform: capitalize;
| textcolor    = cornflowerblue
results in


This is a custome heading

| header = Template headline <br>
| text   = This is your custom text. This template will add a period at the end of your last sentence. 


Default body text of this template {{Custominfobox}}

| text = This is your custom text. This template will add a period at the end of your last sentence. 
results in


You can add your specific detail message to parameter |detail=

| detail = the information related to this page
results in


The | message = parameter has a few predifined messages.

| warning  = '''Warning:''' There is a problem with this page
| expand   = This section '''needs expansion''' 
| attention = '''Attention:''' This page requires attention
| #default = ''This section needs an article''
| message = warning 
| message = expand
| message = attention 
| message = #default
results in


To add a signature to parameter signature = .

| text      = This is your custom text
| signature = Tatiana
results in


Either one of these | date = parameters which will display date.

| date = Nov 22, 2019
results in

Template Examples

Multiple examples provided below on how you can customize a {{Custominfobox}} template.

question mark

| stylebox  = width:50%;
| image     = [[File:Ambox blue question.svg|40px]]
| text      = This is a body text
| signature = Tatiana
| date      = Dec 04, 2019
results in
| stylebox  = width:40%;
| type      = delete
| image     = [[File:Question-mark-red-orange-animated.gif|40px]]
| text      = '''Attention please''' This is a body text
| signature = Tatiana
| date      = Dec 04, 2019
results in
| stylebox  = width:60%;
| image     = [[File:Emblem-question-yellow.svg|40px]]
| header    = Attention please <br>
| text      = This is a body text
| signature = Tatiana
results in